Profaned Greatsword

I loved the Profaned Greatsword. Definitely my favorite weapon in the game. I was going to use the Wolf Knight Greatsword but I’m glad I made the choice to use Profaned Greatsword instead. The damage is nuts if you level strength and dexterity, the weapon art is sick and the fact the flame stays for a little is so awesome. It looks so clean too, the style has just got me by the balls lmao. I’ve used it for most of the game, finished Ashes of Ariandel, and just started the Ringed City DLC! Anyone else love this weapon? :D

I loved the Profaned Greatsword. Definitely my favorite weapon in the game. I was going to use the Wolf Knight Greatsword but I’m glad I made the choice to use Profaned Greatsword instead. The damage is nuts if you level strength and dexterity, the weapon art is sick and the fact the flame stays for a little is so awesome. It looks so clean too, the style has just got me by the balls lmao. I’ve used it for most of the game, finished Ashes of Ariandel, and just started the Ringed City DLC! Anyone else love this weapon? :D